Posts tagged Holidays
Fabric Snowflakes

by Hannah

A twist on those paper snowflakes we made when we were small. You remember, the ones that our mothers Scotch taped in the window. 

You’ll need:

-2 different fabrics cut to any size as long as it’s square

-Heat n Bond cut .5” smaller on all sides, this way it doesn’t transer on your iron.




There’s an easier way to use Heat n Bond than the directions explain. Cut it to size.

 Peel the glue away from the paper. 

Place the Heat n Bond between the two fabrics with the wrong sides together. 

Press. I like to use a press cloth just to be sure glue doesn’t get on my iron. 


Fold again. 


Cut all around except for the folded tip. If you cut this, everything will fall apart. Now unfold it and see how it looks!



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