Current Status Of The Store

Hi all. I have chosen the blog here to be the place I post updates. We are shifting our ways of operating on a daily basis, as I imagine many of you are too. As of today, Saturday, March 21st, we are allowing pick up of online or phone orders between the hours of 10 and 2 daily. The way it works is you come to the door and catch our eye, and step back. We open the door, ask your name and place your order in the bin right outside the door. As for our internal protocol, we have only a couple of our staff coming and going from the store. We wash hands immediately upon entering the store, and wipe down all surfaces we touch. We use separate computers, phones, writing and cutting tools. It is not a perfect system. We alter it as we need or learn to.

We know a lot of folks are trying to get supplies to make masks. Please bear with us as we are trying hard to keep caught up and have very limited capacity right now. Please email the store at info(at)boltfabricboutique(dot)com with your phone number and we can take orders over the phone for any supplies you may want, mask-related or otherwise. We will need to call you, as we were getting too many calls and needed to stop answering the phone.

We appreciate your support and patience. Take care.
Gina and the entire crew at Bolt.
