Organization of the Month: Sisters of the Road

We are honored to be supporting the work of the this great local organization this month.  Heather explains a little more about the mission of Sisters of the Road:


Sisters of the Road exists to build a safe, welcoming community. At Sisters, we create
authentic relationships based in nonviolence while working for economic human
rights for all people, including an end to the institution of
homelessness.  For thirty years we have worked to create a safe place for
everyone, especially women and children, and we continue to offer nourishing
meals at little cost or in exchange for labor through our barter work program.

In the Cafe and in the Personalist Center we build life-changing
relationships.  These relationships take shape during neighborhood
clean-ups, in knitting circles, at City Council meetings, and, of course, over
our famous coffee and cornbread.  Honesty, trust, and a shared commitment
to ending homelessness and poverty form the foundation for the enriching
friendships found in the Sisters’ community.


Sisters Of The Road as an organization, is just as committed to creating
world-changing relationships with individuals and groups who share our vision
of a just and inclusive society. Like friendships formed in the cafe, shared
work, sincerity, and respect form the foundation of these relationships. 
We strive to lead locally, regionally and nationally to change society and
institutions, and to improve the lives of people experiencing homelessness and
extreme poverty.

We are building a movement for social justice, affordable housing and equitable
health-care, and for the advancement of human rights. Thank you to our friends
at Bolt and to everyone that supports the great work of Sisters!

A portion of all Bolt sales on Friday, April 16 will go to support the work of SIsters of the Road!