Modified Style Fabric Drive: All Month Long!

It’s that time of year again, when we ask you to look at your stash and think about what you are not going to use. Modified Style Portland (MSP) is a local organization promoting a more thoughtful approach to fashion, one that considers social and environmental impacts of our consumption, a mission we get behind 100%. Among their expanding and impressive programming (check out their events here), they hold a fundraising fashion show every summer and we do our best to help provide their designers with donated fabric. The requirements for the fabric drive are simple: any clean fabric that is at least a square yard in size. We will be accepting donations through the month of March and when you bring in a bag of goodies, you’ll receive a coupon from us for your next purchase! Yay! Time to thin out that stash!!

And, stay tuned in to MSP to find out how to participate as a designer—anyone can, including you!