10 Things I Love About Working at Bolt (and that you might like, too)

Spoiler: the space is #3.

Did you know that we just added a jobs page on our website? We are currently searching for our newest team member. If you are wondering what it’s like to work here, let me tell you—it’s pretty great! And to prove it, here is my top 10 list of things I love about working at Bolt!

  1. The fabric! We have such a fantastic selection and variety of fabrics. I love unpacking those boxes and getting the first glimpse of an amazing print and the possibilities of what could be made.

  2. The inspiration! Talking to customers about their various projects, seeing the things my coworkers make, and being surrounded by so many ideas and makers. Even the smallest of projects make me think.

  3. The vibe of our new space! It’s big, it’s bright, it’s on 42nd Avenue. And, we have classes!

  4. Working in a women-owned, community-minded business! We’re not just selling things—we’re helping people with projects, teaching new skills, and giving back to the community in various ways (psst: next week is Hunger Action Month and we’re collaborating with Oregon Food Bank to donate 5% of sales.)

  5. The freedom we have to rearrange, organize, and bring in new items and products. We all feel like we have a lot of ownership over the space, how things look, and what we sell.

  6. My coworkers are the coolest! I’ve learned so much about sewing from them. We all come to this work from a wide range of backgrounds. It’s a fun mix of people with at least one thing in common—we all love to sew.

  7. There’s always music playing. Usually it’s new to me and really good!

  8. Loncheria Los Mayas, Miss Zs, Oakshire Brewing, Tiny Moreso, Portland Bloem, Pizza Jerk, Yonder, and Red Sauce.

  9. The employee discount!

  10. And, last but not least, Gina’s rule that new fabrics have to be in the store for 2 weeks before employees can purchase them. It really gives you time to consider and not spend your whole pay check on fabric.

There you have it. Come in and see us and apply if these things interest you, too.
