A Commitment to Change

Hi there,

I want to start by saying that I and the entire crew at Bolt believe Black lives matter. We believe in the need for change and justice and we know the time is long past due. We commit to being an active part of that change. We will listen and follow the lead of our Black community, not just this week, or month, but moving forward. I want to check in and respond to the discussions and actions around racial justice right now, and specifically how I and Bolt fit into that.

Over the years, Bolt has had a predominantly white, cis-gender female staff. I know I have held the belief that “anyone is welcome to apply” for any of our job postings, and I have not been proactive in making a space that is open, safe and welcoming to anyone not appearing to be like me or others on staff. I am working to change that.

I acknowledge that the strength and survival of Bolt has been due in part to our location in a historically Black neighborhood that has gone through an incredible amount of gentrification. I know my store benefitted from and furthered that push of gentrification. I understand that every decision we make has repercussions and impacts that often go beyond what we thought through at the outset.

In my message on Instagram, I stated we would be finding ways to better support and include the Black community as well as all communities of color. We aim to be transparent about our plans and actions. This transparency will be done only in hopes that it will spur others into action, and will help hold us accountable, and never to be used as brand promotion. During this time of being partially, but not fully open, we will focus on monetary donations to direct action organizations and racial justice training and education for myself and our staff members. We will set up a page on our site to keep our community informed as to actions we are taking. We will continue to support and promote Black members of the maker / DIY community. We will continue to work on our long term plan and will share details in the coming weeks as they are solidified.

I am somewhat of a slow processor, and will not shy away from hard conversations. I continue to welcome our community’s thoughts and ideas. I respect anyone’s right to challenge and question my practices and ask that there be space for dialogue. I know I will make mistakes, and commit to owning them and working to make them right.

I appreciate you taking the time to read this and I look forward to growth, change and moving in a direction of equity and justice.

