Get ready for Spring Break!

by Gina

Spring break is next week! If you’re anything like me, you may find yourself walking a tightrope of wanting to take advantage of your child’s time away from school and play….and needing to get work done still. So, I’ve gathered a few books together that could help with both of those things. The books offer activities for a range of ages and skills. Some of the projects will involve the help of an older person, while others are geared to guide the young creator through the project on their own. All are chock full of fun, creative ideas!



 These books can also be a great way for the young crafters in your life to make gifts for their friends for birthdays, holidays, start to summer vacation…any ol’ reason.

 This next book is a beautiful book for grown ups too. It provides instruction on a handful of different printing techniques. Some are so simple you and your young ones can make up your own custom spring break 2015 t-shirts in an afternoon. Or, take on a more involved project like stamping a tablecloth. Fun!

See you soon!