Linen Shift Dress

by Cameron

We just got back from our lovely staff retreat in Hood River (more to come on that soon!), and we have lots of new samples to show off. Inspired by the faith displayed by our brave customers who believe spring will come again and are sewing clothes for warmer days, I decided to make a little linen dress. The Shift Dress from Indygo Junction's new line of patterns, Indygo Essentials, fit the bill.

I was drawn to the subtle cocoon shape and thoughtful details like a split hem, folded cuffs, and cut away pockets - comfortable and easy to wear but interesting enough that you'll feel like you made an effort to dress well even when you can't be bothered.  Like other Indygo Junction patterns I've sewn up, the construction was not what I expected. I got hung up on the pockets, but with a little patience and a coffee break I got it figured out. While I wouldn't suggest this pattern for a first time sewist, a more experienced dressmaker could easily make adjustments to the construction to suit their preferences.

I used a beautiful navy and white cross weave linen. Although it was a little shifty, like all good linens, I found that when I took it slow and pinned generously it wasn't too challenging. If you're a linen lover like I am, I think you'll agree the finished result is well worth the extra effort!