Mud cloth rug

By Hannah  

I have a serious rug problem. I'm always rug shopping and my house can NOT fit any more rugs but I continue to make up places for them or reasons why the present ones won't work. So when this mudcloth arrived, I said to myself, "perfect opportunity for a new rug." 

In addition to your favorite mudcloth you'll need two yards of duck canvas. Note that the dimensions of these vary so it's best to have one of us measure it and then cut the duck canvas making sure that you have at least an eighth of a yard on either short end.

Stich them together with the mudcloth face down and starting from the middle of one of your sides. Then flip it to the right side and press all of your folded edges. Finally hand stitch the opening closed.

Here are a few tips: Use ALOT of pins because the mudcloth will stretch so much and can give you quite a wonky shape. I took mine apart four times until I was happy. As stated above, start from the middle of a side so you're not hand stitching a corner closed once you flip it to the right side. Don't cut the canvas down until you're ready to flip it to the right side. 

Come see us!  

Bitty Eagan