Winter Break Project: Burlap Holiday Banner

We have these handy burlap banners that are ready to decorate and provide a great jump off for kids' stitching projects. I stitched up the words "peace," "love," and "joy" using three different techniques. You can see I wrote the word out beforehand and for "peace" I wove a stripe of fabric through the big spaces of the burlap. Joy, below, was done by couching a torn strip of fabric with embroidery floss. I am becoming fond of this technique. It looks really fun with a second color of floss added to it. April showed us a quicker way of doing this with a machine here. This provides a way of stitching words on fabric, not on the burlap.

"Love" was stitched with a satin cording. It also could be done with a chunky yarn. Close Knit, right next door has lots that would be perfect! Enjoy your winter holiday season and we'll see you around the shop!